
ASSP featured on KHON2 News in Hawaii

The American Society of Safety Professionals, Hawaii Chapter was featured on KHON2 News in Hawaii this past weekend! The TV segment showed Jennifer McNelly, CEO of ASSP, with Hawaii Chapter President James Boretti, as they handed out safety awards as part of the 17th Biennial Safety Intelligence Institute Pacific Rim Safety and Health Conference in Honolulu.

Here’s the link to the segment: https://www.khon2.com/video/royal-elementary-listens-to-the-voices-of-staff-students-to-create-safe-environment/10185790/

Region I Night Out @ Safety2024

We had a fun time at Coors Field watching the Rockies vs the METs, which Region I hosted during the ASSP Safety 2024 Conference in Denver, CO!

Members from Region I Chapters were able to attend, mingle and enjoy the night together. Thank you to everyone that made it out!